ID Career Event

All job postings and internships should be posted through Handshake. View the 雇主握手教程.

体育菠菜大平台工业分销职业博览会活动 gives students and employers an opportunity to connect with one another, 建立专业关系, and discuss potential employment and internship opportunities. Companies with internships will receive priority invitations to the career fair. Please reach out to an ID faculty member for more information: Contact information HERE

Event Schedule & Maps


体育菠菜大平台 Campus Map

Student Name Tag code


Tuesday, October 15

设立IDO学生就业展摊位 | 9:30am. – 11:00am   
内布拉斯加州学生会-庞德罗萨房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

设立公司招聘会 | 2pm – 7:00pm
内布拉斯加州学生会-庞德罗萨房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号  

  • With a campus parking permit company reps may park in any lot on campus. 许可证将在活动前一周通过电子邮件发送. Several parking stalls will be reserved on the north side of the Union for loading and unloading items. 

Banquet | 7:00pm - 9:00pm
假日酒店-客房:待定| 110nd Ave. Kearney, NE 68847

  • For all 公司代表和ID学生. 建立联系,讨论机会和未来计划. 晚餐后会有一个简短的节目. Cash bar. Business casual dress.  

Wednesday, October 16

Career Fair Set Up | 7:30am – 9:15am
内布拉斯加州学生会-庞德罗萨房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

  • A loading area is available on the north side of the building. With a campus parking permit you may park in any lot on campus; the lot north of the Union will be reserved for the event. 

工业配送中的女士早餐| 8:00am – 9:00am
内布拉斯加州学生会-沙山房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

  • Female industry professionals are invited to participate in our Ladies Networking Breakfast.  Meet students in our program and share insights for success in the industry. For questions regarding this breakfast, please reach out to Alejandro Cahis. 

ID Program Overview & Orientation | 8:30am – 9:15am
内布拉斯加州学生会房间-沙山房间(2)nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号 

  • Company representatives new to our event are strongly encouraged to attend. ID Students will provide an overview of the program and strategies to make your experience at the career event a success.  提供欧陆式早餐. 

产业分销招聘会| 9:30am – 11:45am
内布拉斯加州学生会-庞德罗萨房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

  • Light refreshments and beverages will be available throughout the day.  

科尔尼高中学生| 10:00am – 12:30pm 
内布拉斯加州学生会- 312室rd floor) | 1013 W. 27th 新罕布什尔州科尔尼街68849号

  • 10:00am - 11:45am – Refreshments; ID Presentation; visit ID Career Fair 
  • 上午11:45 -在牧场吃午饭,然后下课. 

实习最佳实践| 12:15pm – 1:15pm 
内布拉斯加州学生会-沙山房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

  • Working Lunch - Companies offering internships receive priority invitations to career events. At this meeting, you’ll learn about the internship program including the academic requirements, 实习生的项目和公司最佳实践. 为与会者提供午餐.  

Interview Set Up | 12:00pm – 1:30pm
内布拉斯加州学生会-庞德罗萨房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

  • Company booths 必须在中午12点前拆除 学生们会为面试重新布置房间.  Interview locations might be in a different location than your career fair booth, 所以所有的展位材料都需要打包搬走. 您可以根据注册表存储它们. 在此期间,所有ID学生都将提供帮助. 

Lunch Break | 12:00pm – 1:30pm

内布拉斯加州学生会-牧场(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

  • 如果你在第一次注册时报名了午餐, a ticket for The Graze on the second floor of the Nebraskan Student Union will be available for pick up at the registration table. 

公司面试 | 1:30pm – 6:00pm
内布拉斯加州学生会-庞德罗萨房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

Exact booth locations to be assigned, map provided at the fair.

  • 招聘会期间不接受面试. 面试将于下午1:30在指定地点开始.  在学生等候区附近将提供小吃.  Please be sure to go and get your interviewees in the student waiting area.  学生不会来你的摊位!  

Evening on Your Own | 6:00pm - ?

  • Informal gatherings with students are encouraged but must be held off campus and set up individually with the students.   

Thursday, October 17

可选面试时间| 8:30am – 12:00pm

Interview Space: TBD

  • If you need interview space this day, please connect with Whitney Kuta: 

面试亭拆卸| 9:30am – 11:00pm 

内布拉斯加州学生会-庞德罗萨房间(2nd ne68849,科尔尼,西27街1013号

  • 身份证学生将拆卸摊位 



Airports & Travel Times
丹佛航空公司直飞科尔尼. Check available flights HERE.

科尔尼大岛机场怎么样?有人住过吗. 转机可以通过美国鹰航空办理

Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE airports may provide direct flights from your location. Drive time from Lincoln is a little over 2 hours and drive time from Omaha is 2.5 – 3 hours.

如果你是第一次参加这个活动,这里有关于 招聘会展位和面试流程. Please be sure to attend the "New Company Orientation" meeting (see schedule).

Name Tags 
Name tags will be made for each company representative, or you can bring your own. Information for the name tags will be taken from your registration form. 

Lunch Tickets
Lunch tickets to eat in the cafeteria will be available at the registration desk. 如果你愿意自己付账的话, 学生会的其他场地是Chick-fil-A, Subway, and Starbucks. 

Parking permits will be emailed one week prior to the event to all attendees. Parking stalls will be reserved on the north side of the Student Union for the event. Additional permits will be available at the registration table at all events.

Need Lodging? 请按此浏览 科尔尼访问者网站.

You may ship materials for your booth prior to the career event anytime

Ship to:
体育菠菜大平台 ID Career Event
2502 19th Ave.
Kearney, NE 68849

退还您的展位资料, please bring your pre-labeled packages to the information table. Be sure to call your carrier for pickup at the address above. 请安排任何时间来接车 AFTER Thursday to give us time to move the career event materials from the student union back to Discovery Hall. The students will move the boxes back to Discovery Hall Thursday after the career fair. 

Student Information 
Student LinkedIn profiles will be emailed to registered attendees one week prior to the event. 


NU-Guest Wireless

Guests may request a temporary 14-day account to access the internet while visiting the University of Nebraska. Follow the procedure below to configure your device for wireless (Wi-Fi) access.


  1. 一旦进入校园,选择 NU-Guest设备上的SSID NU-Guest Login 传送门会自动打开.
  2. On the NU-Guest Login page, log in with an existing guest account or create a new account.
  1. 创建来宾帐户, complete the form with your contact information and choose to have a copy of your temporary credentials sent to you by email, text, or both. 如果您选择短信或两者, you will need to provide your mobile phone number and select your Mobile Carrier.
  2. 在接受使用条款并点击注册后, the NU-Guest Registration Receipt will be sent to your selected destination. The receipt includes your temporary Account Username (your email address) and a unique Guest Password. Make a note of your credentials and return to the NU-Guest Login page.
  3. On the NU-Guest Login page, enter your temporary Guest account credentials to access the NU-Guest network. Your Guest account will be allowed 14 days of internet access, 之后,您将需要请求一个新的来宾密码.


如果您的设备使用私人地址, 也称为媒体访问控制(MAC)随机化, you may need to re-authenticate to the network each time the device connects. To maintain a constant connection, disable this feature for NU-Guest. Information about managing private addressing on Apple devices is available from Apple.

Future Dates

Fall 2024 Career Event


Fall 2025 Career Event
